For a matching question, the answer to each of a number of sub-question must be selected from a list of possibilities.
Step 1: After you have added a quiz activity to your course, navigate to that quiz and click on "Edit quiz."
Step 2: Click on "Add... a new question" to start adding questions to your quiz.
Step 3: From the available options, select the "Matching" question type and click on "Add."
Step 4: Decide (1) in which category to save your question in the course question bank, (2) give your question a name and (3) enter the question text.
Step 5: Decide (1) how many points your question will count and (2) optionally enter general feedback that will be shown to all learners after completing the question.
Step 6: Decide (1) whether or not the order of the possible answers should be randomly shuffled for each attempt and (2) set your questions with a matching answer. You must provide at least two questions and three answers (one wrong answer).
You can provide extra wrong answers by giving an answer with a blank question.
Additionally, you can define combined feedback, set penalties for multiple tries and add tags.
Once you're happy, click on "Save changes."
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