Assign Site Wide Roles

Assign Site Wide Roles


Site wide roles are assigned at a site-wide level to give users various permissions for different possible actions. If a site role is not assigned to a user, by default they will be a member (with no editing capability).

Use Case Example:

This is a powerful tool for assigning site-wide roles to users, allowing training managers to customize permissions and access levels within their organization's LMS.

For Example: A training manager can assign the "Site Admin" role to a team member responsible for managing and modifying site-wide settings, creating courses, and assigning roles.

This ensures efficient administration and empowers different stakeholders with the necessary permissions to fulfill their specific responsibilities and streamline the management of their online training programs.


Step 1: Click on "Site admin", followed by "User Management", and then "Assign site role." 

Step 2: Click on the role you wish to assign to a user. 

Step 3: Highlight the user and add/remove them to the role.

The user will now be able to perform the actions permitted by their site role.

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