Assignment Grading Methods

Assignment Grading Methods


When grading assignments, Pluto LMS allows you to calculate grades through simple direct grading as well as advanced grading methods like rubrics.


Simple direct grading is the default grading mechanism on Pluto LMS and is the simplest method, allowing you to assign activity grades to learners directly in the course gradebook. 


Rubrics are an advanced grading method used for criteria-based assessment. The rubric consists of a set of criteria plotted against levels of achievement. A numeric grade is assigned to each level. For each criterion, the assessor chooses the level they judge the work to have reached. The raw rubric score is calculated as a sum of all criteria grades. The final grade (which is reflected in the course gradebook) is calculated by comparing the actual score with the worst/best possible score that could be received.

Step 1:  After creating an assignment, you can add the rubric grading method by clicking on the gear icon and selecting "Advanced grading."

Step 2:  Select the Rubric grading method and either define a new grading form or create a form from a previously created template.

Step 3: Give your rubric a name and optional description. 

Step 4: Next, you can (1) Define, edit or add criteria to your rubric and (2) define, edit or add levels to each criterion. 

Finally, set you rubric options and, once you're happy, click "Save rubric and make it ready."

You will now be able to grade submitted assignments using your defined rubric.

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