Badges Settings

Badges Settings


The default settings for badges on your site can be updated in "Site admin."


To find badge settings, click on "Site admin", followed by "Site badges", then "Settings."

Here, you can view and update default badge settings. 

(1) Default badge issuer: allows you to set the name and email address of the issuer which will appear where the badges are displayed. 

(2) Salt for hashing the recipient's email address: if a hash is used (numbers and letters only) then backpack services can confirm a badge earner without exposing their email address.

(3) Enable course badges: allow badges to be created and awarded at a course level.

(4) External backpack connection: allow users to connect to an external backpack and share their badges from your site/display any public badge collections from their external backpack on their profile page.

Once you're happy, you can click on "Save changes."

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