Bulk Update Usernames

Bulk Update Usernames


If you need to change the usernames of a large number of existing users on your Pluto LMS, you can upload a text (.csv) file to update user details in bulk. 
Use Case Example:

This tool provides a convenient solution for training managers in the corporate space who need to update usernames for a large number of existing users.
This saves valuable time and effort, streamlining the process of aligning the LMS platform with the company's rebranding efforts.

For example: Let's consider a scenario where a company undergoes a rebranding process and needs to change the usernames of all its employees on the LMS platform to reflect the new brand identity.


See attached template for this guide. You can use this template if you would like to bulk update the usernames of your Pluto LMS users.

Please check your file to ensure the following format rules are used:
  1. username: this is the new username you would like to upload and can only contain alphabetical lowercase letters , numbers, hypen '-', underscore '_', period '.', or at-sign '@'.
  2. oldusername: this is the existing username and should be an exact match to the username on the system.
  3. firstname: exact match to system.
  4. lastname: exact match to system.
  5. email: exact match to system.


Step 1: Click on (1) "Site admin", followed by (2) "User Management", then (3) "Bulk upload users."

Step 2: (1) Upload your populated CSV file and then click on (2) "Bulk upload users via CSV."

Step 3: Review user information and set your upload settings as follows:

(1) Upload type set to "Update existing users only."
(2) Existing user details set to "Override with file."
(3) Allow renames set to "Yes."

Once you're happy, scroll down and click on "Bulk upload users via CSV."

Step 4: Check that there are no errors and continue. 

Updated usernames will now reflect on users' profiles.

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