Download Forum Discussions

Download Forum Discussions


You can download forum discussions for easy review. 

Downloading forum discussions from an Learning Management System (LMS) used for internal staff training can be beneficial in various ways. Here's a use case example to illustrate its advantages:

Knowledge Retention and Documentation

Scenario: Imagine a medium-sized company that uses an LMS for internal staff training on various topics, including company policies, product knowledge, and compliance procedures. The company frequently holds training sessions, webinars, and workshops where employees engage in discussions and ask questions on the LMS forum.

Beneficial Actions:

  1. Knowledge Retention: Over time, the LMS accumulates a vast amount of valuable information in the form of forum discussions. By allowing users to download forum discussions, the company ensures that employees can retain this knowledge for reference.
  2. Documentation and Compliance: The LMS forum contains discussions related to compliance regulations, safety protocols, and company policies. Downloading these discussions provides a documented history of how the organization addressed compliance and policy-related questions. This documentation can be vital during audits or when proving adherence to specific standards.
By enabling the download of forum discussions from their LMS, this company can leverage the collective knowledge and experience of its staff to enhance training effectiveness, compliance, and overall operational efficiency. It also demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and knowledge retention within the organization.


Step 1: In the relevant course, navigate to the "Forum" activity for which you would like to export discussions. 

Step 2: You'll be able to export forum discussions by clicking on the gear icon, followed by "Export."

Step 3: You can select the users, discussions and/or dates to be included in your export (or leave the settings as default to export ALL forum discussions) as well as define your preferred export format. 

Once you're happy, you can click on "Export" and the forum discussions will download. 
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