Download Quiz Results

Download Quiz Results


This tool is used to download quiz results. These results are mostly downloaded to be stored as historical data for future audits. Teachers and Course graders can also download it for offline viewing if they know they might be without internet soon.

Allowing users to download quiz results in a Learning Management System (LMS) used for internal staff training can be highly beneficial for both learners and administrators. Here's a use case example illustrating how this feature can be advantageous:

Scenario: XYZ Corporation employs an LMS to deliver a series of compliance and skill-building courses to its employees. 

Overall, enabling users to download quiz results in an LMS for internal staff training fosters a more transparent, accountable, and efficient training process that benefits both learners and administrators.


Step 1: Navigate to the quiz you wish to extract results from. Then click on the gear icon, followed by "Results": 

Step 2: (1) Select which content to include in the report > (2) Scroll down to "Download table as" and select your preferred "format" choice: 

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