Download User Profiles

Download User Profiles


You can download user profile information for a large number of users by performing a bulk user action. 

Employee Directory Update

Scenario: A large company operates an LMS to manage employee training and development. The HR department periodically needs to update the company's employee directory, including details like names, departments, job titles, and contact information.

Challenge: The HR department needs an efficient way to collect and update employee information for the company directory. Gathering this information manually from various sources can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Solution: To streamline the process of updating the employee directory, the HR department decides to download user profiles from the LMS, which contain up-to-date and accurate employee information.


Step 1: Click on "Site admin", followed by "User management", then "Bulk user actions."

Step 2: Here you can (1) optionally filter users to (2) add to/remove from your selection.

Step 3: With the selected users, select "Download" and click on "Go."

Step 4: Select your preferred download format and click "Download."

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