LinkedIn OAuth2 Setup

LinkedIn OAuth2 Setup


You can provide a "Log in using LinkedIn" feature on your LMS login page by creating a new app on the LinkedIn Developers page and then adding the client ID and secret obtained here to the preconfigured service on your Pluto LMS. 

Using LinkedIn OAuth2 in a Learning Management System (LMS) for internal staff training can enhance user authentication, personalization, and networking opportunities. Here's a use case example illustrating how this integration can benefit such an LMS:

Scenario: ACME Corp is a large company with an internal LMS used for training and development of its employees. ACME decides to integrate LinkedIn OAuth2 for a seamless login and additional professional networking features.

Ensure that data privacy and security are maintained, and users have control over the information shared. Additionally, consider providing an alternative login method for users who prefer not to link their LinkedIn accounts. Compliance with LinkedIn's API terms and conditions is also essential.


Step 1: On the LinkedIn Developers page, click on "Create app" and follow the prompts to either sign in using your existing LinkedIn account login details or create a new account.

Step 2: Once signed in, you will be directed to the "Create app" page. Here, you will be required (1) to fill in the name of your Pluto LMS site, (2) the name (or URL) of the LinkedIn Page your Pluto LMS site will be associated with, and (3) upload your Pluto LMS site logo.  

Step 3: Once you're happy, scroll down, agree to the terms of use and click "Create app."

Step 4: You will then be directed to your "App settings" page, where you will need to click "Verify" to initiate a process to verify that your new app is, in fact, associated with your company/site LinkedIn page.

Once the verification process is complete, your app will be indicated as "Verified" on the "App settings" page.

Step 5: In the products tab, you can now select the "Sign In with LinkedIn" product to define the required permissions for the OAuth 2. This product will then appear in your "Added products" section.

Step 6: Once the product has been successfully added, you can find the authentication keys required to set up your issuer in your Pluto LMS in the "Auth" tab. 

Note: Before you can set up your issuer in your Pluto LMS, you will also need to set up the authorized redirect URLs for your site in the "Auth" tab - see "Step 7" below.

Step 7: In the "OAuth 2.0 settings" section, set up the authorized redirect URL for your Pluto LMS. The standard for OAuth2 is <wwwroot>/admin/oauth2callback.php; 
If your Pluto LMS site is
then the redirect URL is 

Once you have clicked "Update" and your redirect URL is successfully configured, you will be ready to add the "Client ID" and "Client secret" at the top of this page to the preconfigured LinkedIn OAuth 2 service available on your Pluto LMS.


Step 1: Click on "Site admin", followed by "Integrations", then "Connect services."

Step 2: Click on the LinkedIn gear icon (  ).

Step 3: Enter the Client ID and Client secret you obtained from the "Auth" tab on the LinkedIn Developers page. You can leave all other settings as default, scroll down and click "Save changes."

Once you see the green ticks...

...the "LinkedIn" login button will appear on your login page and users can start logging in to your site with their LinkedIn account details.

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