Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a software tool on Pluto LMS that provides a secure and controlled environment for conducting online exams and quizzes.
Use Case Example:
Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in Pluto LMS offers a secure environment for administering quizzes in corporate training. It limits learners' browser capabilities and prevents distractions. This empowers training managers to create a controlled and secure assessment environment, ensuring the integrity and reliability of quizzes in corporate training programs.
For example:
- Students will only be able to attempt the quiz.
- The browser window won't have a URL or search field.
- Browser back/forward navigation and reload can be disabled.
- SEB cannot be closed until the test is submitted.
- Switching to other applications is disabled by default.
- Shortcut keys are disabled.
- The clipboard is cleared when starting and quitting SEB.
- Spell checking and dictionary lookup is disabled, but can optionally be allowed.
Note: We are working on this to be more natively setup and easier to use.
Step 2.1: Create a quiz in your course.
Step 2.2: Under your quiz settings, navigate to "Safe Exam browser", view more options, then under "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select "Yes Use SEB client config":
Step 2.3: Course editors will configure and save a .seb file for students to download and open. The .seb file contains a destination URL for the browser (your LMS or quiz URL) and any other Safe Exam Browser settings the teacher wants to enforce on the students' quiz experience.
Windows: Course editors will use the SEBConfigTool.exe program (distributed as part of the Safe Exam Browser package) to configure and save the .seb file (see Windows guide).
Mac OS: Course editors opens the Preferences window of Safe Exam Browser to configure and save the .seb file (See Mac OS guide)
In short, open the SEBConfigTool.exe program, then:
(1) Enter your LMS or quiz URL.
(2) Set an admin password.
(3) Set the quit password.
(4) Save file as.
Step 3.1: Share your saved .seb file with your students. Your quiz will only be accessible if your students:
1) Download SEB as you did in Step 1 above.
2) Open your shared .seb file that you shared with them.
With Safe Exam Browser open, this is what your student will see in a secured environment:
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