Delete Quiz Attempts
OVERVIEW This guide can be used to delete students/staff quiz attempts. USE CASE EXAMPLE: This can be used in a case where a group or a individual user have to redo a quiz and their original/first attempts need to be deleted. HOW TO DELETE QUIZ ...
Quiz Question Bank
OVERVIEW In Pluto LMS, the question bank is a powerful feature that allows educators to create, store, and manage a collection of questions for use in quizzes, exams, and other assessments. The question bank serves as a centralized repository where ...
Quiz Question Types
OVERVIEW In this article you will learn about the different Quiz questions types. MULTIPLE CHOICE Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list. TRUE/FALSE A simple form of multiple choice question with just the two ...
Download Quiz Results
OVERVIEW This tool is used to download quiz results. These results are mostly downloaded to be stored as historical data for future audits. Teachers and Course graders can also download it for offline viewing if they know they might be without ...
Safe Exam Browser
OVERVIEW Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a software tool on Pluto LMS that provides a secure and controlled environment for conducting online exams and quizzes. Use Case Example: Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in Pluto LMS offers a secure environment for ...
Setup Webcam Proctoring
OVERVIEW Webcam Proctoring allows you to capture the learner's picture via webcam to identify who is attempting a quiz. It will capture the picture automatically every 30 seconds and store it as a PNG image. Use Case Example: Webcam Proctoring in ...
Add a Matching Question (Quiz)
OVERVIEW For a matching question, the answer to each of a number of sub-question must be selected from a list of possibilities. ADD A MATCHING QUESTION TO YOUR QUIZ Step 1: After you have added a quiz activity to your course, navigate to that quiz ...
Create a Quiz
OVERVIEW The quiz activity allows you to create knowledge tests by adding one/more of a variety of question types (multiple choice, true/false, matching, etc.) All quiz questions are stored in a question bank and can be reused in different quizzes ...