Download Course Enrolled Users

Download Course Enrolled Users


You can download a table containing the first name, last name and email address for the "Enrolled users" of specific course. 

Downloading a list of course-enrolled users in a Learning Management System (LMS) used for internal staff training can be highly beneficial for administrative and reporting purposes. Here's a use case example illustrating the benefits of this feature:

Scenario: XYZ Corporation uses an internal LMS to provide training and development programs for its employees. Here's how the ability to download a list of course-enrolled users can be beneficial:

Administrative Oversight:

The LMS administrator needs to maintain an overview of course enrollments across different departments and teams within the organization.

Having the ability to download course-enrolled users' data not only streamlines administrative tasks but also enables organizations to make informed decisions, improve training programs, and ensure compliance with training requirements. It ultimately contributes to a more effective and efficient internal staff training process.


In the relevant course, click on "Enrolled users", then select which users you would like to download, followed by your export format. 

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